Our Commitments
Penman Sedgwick LLP is a limited liability partnership. Any individual carrying out work on your matter does so on behalf of Penman Sedgwick LLP in their capacity as a Partner, consultant, agent or employee of Penman Sedgwick LLP, and not in any personal capacity. Any action by them, any communication from them, or any advice from them, is taken, sent or given on behalf of Penman Sedgwick LLP.
Your relationship is solely with Penman Sedgwick LLP and Penman Sedgwick LLP has sole legal liability for the work done for you and for any act or omission in the course of that work. No Partner, consultant, agent or employee of Penman Sedgwick LLP will have any personal or legal liability for that work whether in contract, tort or negligence.
In particular, the fact that an individual Partner, consultant, agent or employee signs in his or her own name any letter, e-mail or other document in the course of carrying out that work does not mean he or she is assuming any personal legal liability for that letter, e-mail or document.
Office Hours
Our office is open from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. each week day.
Our switchboard is open during those hours and outside those hours there is an answerphone on which you can leave a message. Meetings can be at our office or we are happy to come to see you.
The service we offer
At the outset and as necessary during the matter we will:
Identify your objectives in relation to the work to be done for you.
- Give you a clear explanation of the issues involved and the options available to you.
- Agree with you the next steps to be taken and the likely time scales involved.
- Agree with you an appropriate level of service.
- Explain our responsibilities.
Your Responsibilities
We will explain your responsibilities including:
- What action you need to take
- Any further information we need from you.
- Confirm in writing the name and status of the person dealing with the matter and the name of the person responsible for its overall supervision.
- Give you the best information we can as to likely costs.
- Keep you informed of progress, unless otherwise agreed.
- Reply promptly to correspondence and aim to return telephone calls on the same day.
- Advise you of any delays and explain the reasons.
- Inform you if the costs information given to you needs revising.
At the end of the matter we will
At the end of your matter we will:
- Write confirming the conclusion of it.
- Explain any continuing consequences.
- Render our account as promptly as possible.
- Account to you for money due to you.
- Provide you with copies of any completed documents, if requested.
How you can help us
- Give us clear instructions
- Tell us if you have any important time limits.
- Make sure we have understood each other correctly. Ask if you are not sure about anything.
- Deal with any correspondence from us and important questions that arise promptly.
- Keep in regular touch. Do not hesitate to ask for a progress report if you are concerned about anything or do not hear from us when you expect.
- Help us plan our working day. Make an appointment if you want to see someone.
Information about our charges
We will, in writing:
Advise you of the basis and terms of our charges.
- Advise you if charging rates are to be increased.
- Advise you of likely payments which you or we may need to make to others.
Discuss with you how you will pay, looking at in particular:
- Whether you may be eligible for public funding
- Whether your costs are covered by insurance or may be paid by someone else
- Advise you of any potential liability you may have for any other party’s costs and whether that may be covered by insurance.
- Discuss with you whether the potential outcomes of any legal case will justify the expense or risk involved.
Further Information
The procedures and policies of Penman Sedgwick Solicitors are outlined above and set out our commitment to our clients. For further information on any of these please call 01923 225212 or contact us.